Bigger Picture
All Tomorrow’s Therapies is just the beginning of something much bigger. The aim is to develop a new way of supporting those in need that is accessible to all by bringing back the community.
To begin, All Tomorrow’s Therapies will donate 10% of your fee to support someone who cannot afford private therapy.
As I am sure you are aware, NHS waiting lists are exceptionally long, meaning that those in need could be waiting for mental health support for 2+ years. Sadly, not everyone has the option to choose private therapy as an alternative.
All Tomorrow’s Therapies want to do something about this…
Humans have evolved to be social creatures who benefit from forming connections and helping others. When we help others, we strengthen social bonds and cooperative relationships, which historically contributed to our survival and wellbeing. Helping others is seen as an expression of empathy and care, aimed at reducing the pain and distress that people experience. By helping others, we contribute to the reduction of suffering in the world, fostering a more supportive society.
People are suffering because they don’t know where to go or who to turn to. We have to regenerate our sense of community.
By helping yourself, you will be helping someone else. Engaging in acts of kindness and helping others often leads to the experience of positive emotions. So helping someone else, is going to help you feel good!
We are social beings, we live in cramped cities for a reason. But, we struggle to function solely as individuals.
This is not where All Tomorrow’s Therapies stops, this is just the beginning. The Bigger Picture being to set up Therapeutic Communities (All Tomorrow’s Communities). More to come soon…